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Portfolio Management

There is no reliable way to forecast market movements. Rather than make investment decisions based on the way the pundits believe markets are headed, it is best to broadly diversify across asset classes and focus on drivers of potential returns. This approach has withstood the test of time. We strive to implement an investment strategy with which you can be comfortable and confident during both positive and turbulent markets. Your financial plan is what drives your investment allocation. We review your portfolio on a regular basis and rebalance for optimal investment performance while being mindful of tax implications.

Estate Planning

Estate planning is arguably the most difficult part of your plan. Few people want to think about what will happen at the end of their lives. However, we would argue that if you do this thoroughly, you will provide one of the best gifts to your loved ones. We do not provide legal advice but will help you fully understand your current estate plan and think through options for making adjustments. We can coordinate with your estate attorney on your behalf to ensure you have ample protection and provision.

Retirement Planning for Pre-Retirees

You want to get it right. Are you on track? Will you be able to maintain your standard of living? Have you determined how to maximize Social Security? Are your expectations realistic relative to your savings rate? How should you plan for healthcare? We spend a lot of time on your behalf working through various scenarios so you can do what is necessary to retire on your terms.

Retirement Planning for Post-Retirees

It is important to develop a retirement income strategy that is prudent, tax-efficient, and addresses the issue of longevity. You can be sure that we will develop a withdrawal strategy that considers both up and down markets and ultimately gives you confidence to enjoy your retirement. This is what you have worked for your entire life and should be able to freely spend time investing in family, friends and causes important to you.

Insurance Planning

Do you have the appropriate amount of coverage? Are you paying a fair premium? Do you have the right type? Can you self-insure? From life to long term care insurance, we want to ensure the coverage you have is appropriate and cost-efficient.

Giving & Philanthropic Planning

It is likely you hope to give more to your family members, church, or charity but simply do not know how much you can afford. We specialize in advising you in this area to come up with creative solutions to facilitate generosity and help you make a lasting impact.

Education Planning

It is no secret that the cost of college continues to aggressively outpace inflation and wage increases. We will help you address this issue and help you understand how planning for college may adversely impact your retirement planning, and vice versa, so you can make informed decisions. This discussion is not just for parents, but for grandparents and other family members in a position to help.

Tax Planning

We do not prepare tax returns or provide tax advice. Instead we review your tax situation and add value by providing tax-efficient strategies. We consult with your tax professionals for an integrated approach.

“It is not the ship so much as the skillful sailing that assures the prosperous voyage.”
– George William Curtis, Writer


We believe in the value of coordinating with your outside advisors, such as your accountant and estate attorney, to ensure the most appropriate strategies are integrated and implemented for your unique set of needs.

Let's Collaborate


Templer Wealth Management receives compensation based on a percentage of assets under management. Our minimum portfolio management size is $1,000,000. In some circumstances, hourly consultation services can be provided to those who do not qualify for the portfolio minimum. Hourly services include financial plan development and analyses of specific questions, with associated action plan development for the client’s self-implementation.

Let’s work together

No matter where you are in your financial planning journey, we strive to work closely with you to achieve your goals.

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